Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October in Review

First I have to apologize for slacking on the blog lately.  I just realized I haven't posted anything in over a month.  I am going to try and be better about that in the future. 

Here's what October looked like.

October 2012 stats
36.4-- running miles
0-- bike miles
0-- pool workout
0-- core fitness workouts
1-- P90x plyo workout
36.4-- total miles
158-- weight as October 31, 2012

Current 2012 stats
665.02-- running miles
18.7-- bike miles
3-- pool workouts
56-- core fitness workouts
1-- P90x plyo workout
683.72-- total miles
158-- current weight

2012 "to do list" September check-in
2012 Running Goals
1. My number one running goal is to run a sub-1:50 half marathon
-I will not be attempting this goal until 2013 and I have come to terms with it.
2. Secondary to the goal of a sub-1:50, I would like to attempt to run another marathon PR (sub-4:10:11) with a stretch goal of running a sub-4:00:00
-I have come to the decision that I am not going to run a full marathon this year. With a goal of running a 1/2 marathon every month this year, I think it would be a bad idea to train for a full at the risk of getting injured.

2012 Mini Running Challenges
1. Run 100 miles per month
-36.4 miles run in October-  It is what it is...
2. Run a half marathon each month
-Columbus 1/2 Marathon (1:59:56)- It was an all out sprint to the finish to sneak in just under 2 hours.
Marla and I before the race

2012 Non-Running Mini Challenges
1. Increase the amount of cross-training/strength training I do on a monthly basis
-1 P90x plyo workout-  major baby steps here but at least I got something done this month!
2. Focus on choosing and cooking healthier foods
-9 well-balanced meals prepared in September- not bad but not great.
3. Drink more water
-I continue to have success in this area.
4. I promised a certain someone that if they ran a marathon with me I would learn to swim so I intend to make good on that promise this year.

October has come and gone.  I can't same I am thrilled with my performance but I will certainly own it! 

Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!

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