Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April in Review

I seriously can't believe it is May 1 already.  Where did the time go?  Before we know it we will be wrapping up another school year and I will be enjoying my summer off.  The start of a new month also means another month in review is in order.

April 2012 stats
95.3-- running miles
0-- bike miles
0-- pool workout
0-- core fitness workouts
95.3-- total miles
151.8-- weight as of April 30, 2012 (same as March)
Current 2012 stats
353.60-- running miles
6-- bike miles
1-- pool workout
56-- core fitness workouts
359.60-- total miles
151.8-- current weight

2012 "to do list" April check-in
2012 Running Goals
1. My number one running goal is to run a sub-1:50 half marathon
-I attempted this at Louisville over the weekend but had to back off at mile 10 due to a hamstring twinge.  We will see what happens over the next few months in regards to this goal.
2. Secondary to the goal of a sub-1:50, I would like to attempt to run another marathon PR (sub-4:10:11) with a stretch goal of running a sub-4:00:00
-I haven't really thought too much about this one lately

2012 Mini Running Challenges
1. Run 100 miles per month
-95.3 miles run in April- Less than 5 miles shy this month but I am trying to listen to my body and my heel basically screamed at me yesterday when I even considered hitting the treadmill for those final miles.  I still have a slight ache in the heel so I will probably take today off as well and hope for the best tomorrow.
2. Run a half marathon each month
-Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon (1:53:47)
2012 Non-Running Mini Challenges
1. Increase the amount of cross-training/strength training I do on a monthly basis
-0 cross training/strength training workouts done in April- huge fail on my part.  I even watched a core video with the intention of doing the workout a few times a week in April.  I really have no excuse, I just simply didn't do it.
2. Focus on choosing and cooking healthier foods
-8 well-balanced meals prepared in April- not too bad considering there was Spring Break and Easter thrown in there.
3. Drink more water
-I continued on the right track with this one for April.
4. I promised a certain someone that if they ran a marathon with me I would learn to swim so I intend to make good on that promise this year.
-There was some discussion in regards to this one as my mom pointed out that I can tread water, float on my back, and swim a bit like a frog.  I think my problem is that I don't know how to breathe properly and I don't like getting water up my nose so I need to take lessons to fix this.

April was another great month running weather wise!!  Although I fell short of 100 miles, April ended on a great note with our trip to Louisville to knock another state off our quest to run a 1/2 in all 50 states.  9 states down, 41 to go.  Looking foward to deciding which state we are going to conquer next!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!

1 comment:

  1. www.liquidlifestyles.com

    I'm on my 6th lesson and it's unbelievable the difference it's made for me. I used to get exhausted just swimming one length of the pool and now that's like nothing! Expensive, but well worth it.
