Today's 16 mile training run with Deb and Missi brought my July training to a close. This week's run was so much better than last week's "run through the rainforest". What a difference a week and less humidity make!! There were a few days where the weather played a key factor but I made it through and quite often with a little help from my friends! I also set a shiny new monthly mileage PR! 172.8 miles-- I'll take it!
July Stats
172.8-- running miles
0-- elliptical miles
7-- bike miles
0-- spinning class miles
179.8-- total miles
0 minutes-- rope skipping
158.2-- weight as of July 31, 2011 (slight increase here which is to be expected during marathon training)
Current 2011 Stats
812.01-- running miles
17.8-- elliptical miles
7.86-- bike miles
55.8-- spinning class miles
893.47-- total miles
1 hour and 55 minutes-- rope skipping
Overall I am very pleased with my July training and I'm looking forward to what August has to bring!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thumbs Up Thursday...Chelsea
This week's spotlight is on Chelsea of Will Run For Food (here). Once you read her interview head on over to her blog and give her a shout out!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Chelsea: I started running in March 2010 – in a Couch to 5k class. The week before the class, I tried to run a city block. I couldn’t. :\
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Chelsea: I haaaaaaated running growing up. ‘Running is stupid’, I would say. I was a bowler, goshdarnit. My sister signed up for a C25K class in January of 2010, and wanted me to sign up with her. I declined, using the ‘Running is stupid’ claim. A friend who was listening in on our conversation, basically said ‘Yeah, you wouldn’t stick with it anyways’.
Harsh…but so VERY true!
My entire family knows I’m very good at starting projects. Not so good at finishing them. I find a new hobby – be it exercise or dieting or cooking or crafts. I run out, buy all of the stuff, stick with it for about a week…then it fades away. Gets shoved into my closet. Gets donated to Goodwill.
So, doing the next cycle of the class – and sticking with the running – was like a dare to myself. I DARE you to get out there. DARE you to get out there when you really don’t feel like it. DARE you to do what you couldn’t do last week.
It then turned into a way to lose weight for the first time in my life. Wheee! (Plus, I get to run in some pretty awesome locations around my house)
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Chelsea: My first race was the Top Pot Doughnut Dash 5k in May 2010. I actually haven’t done many races, usually because I get hurt or forget to sign up for them. WHOOPS.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Chelsea: Well. I’ve only done a 5k, 10k, and a Half. 5k’s are fun because you can go all-out and sprint and generally act like a bad-ass all day. “Yeah, I ran a 5k this morning. No biggie.”
Even though I’ve only run one, I really do love the half marathon. You get some ups, some downs, and some good stories to tell. Plus, depending on the course, you could get to see your course-support more than once. :)
I will say I think my favorite kind of race is a mud run. Beer? Getting dirty? AWWWW YEAH
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Chelsea: Crossing the finish at my first 5k. I had been going back & forth with this older lady for most of the race. I saw her walking in the final chutes, grabbed her hand, and we ran to the finish. I could barely breathe, but damn if I didn’t just go 3.1 miles.
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Chelsea: That’s easy – my hip locking up during my Half Marathon a few weeks ago. I’ve been dealing with a nagging hip injury for almost two months now. I’m not 100%, but wanted to race anyways. It’s annoying because the only thing I can do for the hip is rest.
And forced rest is almost as painful as the injury itself!
I knew I just had to get to the finish of the race – I’d crawl if I needed to!
I’m kind of, in a sick, sad way, glad it happened. I was worried I wouldn’t have ‘it’ during the race. You know, the ‘race until you barf’ in me. Turns out I had it and then some. I’d take barfing over that pain any day.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Chelsea: This is a good one. Every minute I run I’m proud of myself. I’m going to have two moments.
1) I love being able to tell people that I ran 13 miles. 13 seems like such an unattainable number for many people, but it’s actually rather easy to get to if you train for it. When I started training for my first half, so many people at work saw me heading out for my lunchtime run that 5 people signed up for the race too and trained on their own – many of them admitting to me when they signed up that there was no way they could ever run 13 miles.
2) Running a half marathon during a training run by myself. I used my house as a water station and sang a song to some Canadian Geese near the end. The hardest part for running for me is the mental battle. Doing this run toughened me up like nothing else had to that point.
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Chelsea: My necklace I wear everyday. When I run, it’s in my right side skirt pocket. If I don’t have a skirt on, it’s tucked around into my left bra strap. There’s three charms on it – one from my mom, one from my sister, and one from me, with my dad’s birthday & day he passed away on it. It’s my family. They run with me.
Oh, and gum.
If I’m running at lunch? On the sunny waterfront? Cash and my ID, kthx.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Chelsea: I’ve trained with a Gu before I run and Gu Chomps during. I’ve also had ¼ of a PB&J sandwich, and I really liked that. I’m an after-work runner, so I’m not running on empty like some of you morning runners! (My stomach hates me in the morning. When I do have to run in the mornings it’s a wee bit horrible.)
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Chelsea: If it’s a short run, Nuun and beer. Separately. :) And for food, shredded potatoes topped with 2 eggs over-easy – fried in 1 tbsp butter. NOM.
Long runs – nothing. This is bad. I can’t stomach food after long runs. It feels like my stomach and throat are closed for business. I can usually get down some plain, room-temperature water and maybe part of an apple. My lack of appetite continues through the rest of the day. :\ This is probably one of the bigger challenges I have while trying to balance life and running – it’s hard to run on ‘E’ for one full day a week.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Chelsea: I think near the top of my list are all of the running moms out there. I have a good number of friends I’ve met through blogging that are all mothers first, runners second. Yeah, my job keeps me pretty busy, but I couldn’t imagine having a kid (or kids), trying to train AND keeping everyone fed and clothed!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Chelsea: No, actually. The thing that is always running in my head is ‘What goes around, comes around.’ It’s how I live my life and what I chant to myself when I’m getting knocked around.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Chelsea: Powerful. Humbled.
I’m reminded every run that there was a point in time where I couldn’t do what I am now doing. That I didn’t think I had it in me – mentally or physically.
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Chelsea: Racing – the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco. The goal for that race is to not die and to better my time.
Running - …to run more. I’m admitting it out in the open. I’m a run/walker. I’ve never run more than a mile and a half without walking. So. Uh. I want to change that. :)
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Chelsea! Best of luck achieving your current goals!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Chelsea YOU inspire ME!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Chelsea: I started running in March 2010 – in a Couch to 5k class. The week before the class, I tried to run a city block. I couldn’t. :\
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Chelsea: I haaaaaaated running growing up. ‘Running is stupid’, I would say. I was a bowler, goshdarnit. My sister signed up for a C25K class in January of 2010, and wanted me to sign up with her. I declined, using the ‘Running is stupid’ claim. A friend who was listening in on our conversation, basically said ‘Yeah, you wouldn’t stick with it anyways’.
Harsh…but so VERY true!
My entire family knows I’m very good at starting projects. Not so good at finishing them. I find a new hobby – be it exercise or dieting or cooking or crafts. I run out, buy all of the stuff, stick with it for about a week…then it fades away. Gets shoved into my closet. Gets donated to Goodwill.
So, doing the next cycle of the class – and sticking with the running – was like a dare to myself. I DARE you to get out there. DARE you to get out there when you really don’t feel like it. DARE you to do what you couldn’t do last week.
It then turned into a way to lose weight for the first time in my life. Wheee! (Plus, I get to run in some pretty awesome locations around my house)
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Chelsea: My first race was the Top Pot Doughnut Dash 5k in May 2010. I actually haven’t done many races, usually because I get hurt or forget to sign up for them. WHOOPS.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Chelsea: Well. I’ve only done a 5k, 10k, and a Half. 5k’s are fun because you can go all-out and sprint and generally act like a bad-ass all day. “Yeah, I ran a 5k this morning. No biggie.”
Even though I’ve only run one, I really do love the half marathon. You get some ups, some downs, and some good stories to tell. Plus, depending on the course, you could get to see your course-support more than once. :)
I will say I think my favorite kind of race is a mud run. Beer? Getting dirty? AWWWW YEAH
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Chelsea: Crossing the finish at my first 5k. I had been going back & forth with this older lady for most of the race. I saw her walking in the final chutes, grabbed her hand, and we ran to the finish. I could barely breathe, but damn if I didn’t just go 3.1 miles.
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Chelsea: That’s easy – my hip locking up during my Half Marathon a few weeks ago. I’ve been dealing with a nagging hip injury for almost two months now. I’m not 100%, but wanted to race anyways. It’s annoying because the only thing I can do for the hip is rest.
And forced rest is almost as painful as the injury itself!
I knew I just had to get to the finish of the race – I’d crawl if I needed to!
I’m kind of, in a sick, sad way, glad it happened. I was worried I wouldn’t have ‘it’ during the race. You know, the ‘race until you barf’ in me. Turns out I had it and then some. I’d take barfing over that pain any day.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Chelsea: This is a good one. Every minute I run I’m proud of myself. I’m going to have two moments.
1) I love being able to tell people that I ran 13 miles. 13 seems like such an unattainable number for many people, but it’s actually rather easy to get to if you train for it. When I started training for my first half, so many people at work saw me heading out for my lunchtime run that 5 people signed up for the race too and trained on their own – many of them admitting to me when they signed up that there was no way they could ever run 13 miles.
2) Running a half marathon during a training run by myself. I used my house as a water station and sang a song to some Canadian Geese near the end. The hardest part for running for me is the mental battle. Doing this run toughened me up like nothing else had to that point.
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Chelsea: My necklace I wear everyday. When I run, it’s in my right side skirt pocket. If I don’t have a skirt on, it’s tucked around into my left bra strap. There’s three charms on it – one from my mom, one from my sister, and one from me, with my dad’s birthday & day he passed away on it. It’s my family. They run with me.
Oh, and gum.
If I’m running at lunch? On the sunny waterfront? Cash and my ID, kthx.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Chelsea: I’ve trained with a Gu before I run and Gu Chomps during. I’ve also had ¼ of a PB&J sandwich, and I really liked that. I’m an after-work runner, so I’m not running on empty like some of you morning runners! (My stomach hates me in the morning. When I do have to run in the mornings it’s a wee bit horrible.)
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Chelsea: If it’s a short run, Nuun and beer. Separately. :) And for food, shredded potatoes topped with 2 eggs over-easy – fried in 1 tbsp butter. NOM.
Long runs – nothing. This is bad. I can’t stomach food after long runs. It feels like my stomach and throat are closed for business. I can usually get down some plain, room-temperature water and maybe part of an apple. My lack of appetite continues through the rest of the day. :\ This is probably one of the bigger challenges I have while trying to balance life and running – it’s hard to run on ‘E’ for one full day a week.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Chelsea: I think near the top of my list are all of the running moms out there. I have a good number of friends I’ve met through blogging that are all mothers first, runners second. Yeah, my job keeps me pretty busy, but I couldn’t imagine having a kid (or kids), trying to train AND keeping everyone fed and clothed!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Chelsea: No, actually. The thing that is always running in my head is ‘What goes around, comes around.’ It’s how I live my life and what I chant to myself when I’m getting knocked around.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Chelsea: Powerful. Humbled.
I’m reminded every run that there was a point in time where I couldn’t do what I am now doing. That I didn’t think I had it in me – mentally or physically.
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Chelsea: Racing – the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco. The goal for that race is to not die and to better my time.
Running - …to run more. I’m admitting it out in the open. I’m a run/walker. I’ve never run more than a mile and a half without walking. So. Uh. I want to change that. :)
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Chelsea! Best of luck achieving your current goals!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Chelsea YOU inspire ME!!
thumbs up Thursday,
Will Run For Food
Monday, July 25, 2011
Columbus Marathon Training...1/3 Complete
Yesterday's 12 mile run in the "rainforest" with Deb and Missi concluded the sixth week of my Columbus Marathon Training which also translates into being 1/3 of the way done with my eighteen week training cycle!
Here's a breakdown of my progress so far:
Running miles
696.90 scheduled miles
204.40 miles completed
89 schedule running workouts
30 scheduled running workouts completed
Cycling/Strength Training
I have completed 62.8 cycling/spinning miles
I have completed several strength training workouts
Over the next twelve weeks I will run 492.50 miles during the course of 59 running workouts. There will also be more cycling and strength training taking place. The first six weeks have gone very well. Here's hoping the next twelve will be more of the same!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Here's a breakdown of my progress so far:
Running miles
696.90 scheduled miles
204.40 miles completed
89 schedule running workouts
30 scheduled running workouts completed
Cycling/Strength Training
I have completed 62.8 cycling/spinning miles
I have completed several strength training workouts
Over the next twelve weeks I will run 492.50 miles during the course of 59 running workouts. There will also be more cycling and strength training taking place. The first six weeks have gone very well. Here's hoping the next twelve will be more of the same!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thumbs Up Thursday...Nancy
This week's spotlight is on Nancy of Living The Dream (here). Once you read her interview, head on over to her blog and say hello.
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Nancy: I have been running for 18 years....Wow saying that makes me feel a little old! It has been a journey with running for many different purposes. It began as a means to an ends and now has turned into a way of life! I really look at my running though sort of in three chapters, sports training, before baby, and after baby. I'm really loving this chapter the best I think! If only I had the energy and time from the first!!
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Nancy: I started running when I was a freshman in high school. My softball coach convinced me to try out for the soccer team, a sport which I had never played! I remember going to the captain's practices and running in the group. I used to almost hold my breathe because I didn't want the other girls to hear me breathing hard and think I was out of shape. Can we say silly?
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Nancy: My first race was a 5k in Providence, RI in 2000 and I finished in about 30 minutes. All I remember about the race was the last .1 was a HUGE uphill and I remember seeing my Dad at the bottom. He was so proud of me and cheering so loudly! My Mom was at the top ready to give me a big hug!
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Nancy: I waiver between a 5k and a Half marathon. The 5k is where you lay it all out on the line and take yourself just shy of throwing up....sounds like a blast right? No I just like how strong I feel at the end! The half is my new favorite. It is just the right distance to train for and is still a challenge of endurance and pace! Plus you can walk down the stairs the next day without wincing! I have logged 9 half marathons, mostly since I had my daughter!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Nancy: Oh wow! I have so many! The Boston Marathon has so many great memories attached to it. I remember seeing my hubby tear up because he was so proud of me. It meant so much to me since he endured the training with me! Oh and the feeling I got turning the corner and seeing the finish line and having someone yell, "Don't cry yet!" Those memories still choke me up!
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Nancy: A half marathon I ran in February of 2010 in Hyannis, MA. The race itself was great...good course and weather for February but I went out way too fast and was right on track for a sub 2 hour half but my body hit a wall at mile 11. It all went downhill from there. I actually cried on the course!
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Nancy: Aside from finishing the Boston I have quite a few! I would say right up there on the list is when I FINALLY broke the 2 hour barrier in my half marathon time! I ran it with my amazing friend Jill and it was so amazing to share that accomplishment with her!! My second proudest would have to be seeing my daughter run in a race and seeing her own pride spread across her face!
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Nancy: My Ipod when I am running alone. I need my tunes to help distract me! I'm not antisocial though and I leave it at home when I'm with a buddy!
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Nancy: I have a super cranky tummy and tend to not fuel during races....I know rule breaker! I do love GU though and admittedly eat it sometimes for dessert! Lol! I can't believe I told someone else that! When I was marathon training I ate sport jelly beans....can't stand the sight of them now!
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Nancy: I'm pretty basic....a water and banana or bagel. Some races, especially here in New England have the craziest things post race. Like who can eat clam chowder or fried haddock after racing 13.1 miles? I tend to take stuff home with me and enjoy it later!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Nancy: In running it's Kara Goucher for not only being a killer runner but for killing it in Boston just 7 months after having a baby! She rocks!! In life I admire my Mom the most. She is so amazingly supportive and loving through whatever life throws at her. Life hasn't dealt her the most fair hand but she never complains. Instead she gives all she has to those around her and praises God each day! I hope I can be an example like that with my daughter!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Nancy: My Dad used to say to me, "Do your best and let God do the rest"! I need to remind myself of that from time to time. There are so many great ones out there that are so motivating! I love quotes about persevering and pushing yourself to the limit! Like you never know what you can do if you don't try type quotes!
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Nancy: Driven
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Nancy: I'm a little goal crazy! I am currently shooting for 1500 miles this year, however I will be happy to beat last year's total of 1111 miles. For races I have a few, beat my 5k pr of 24 minutes, and break 1:50 for a half mary!
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Nancy: I would say the biggest revelation for me with running has been since I had my daughter 2 years ago and it's something I try to convey to anyone who is thinking about running. After I had my daughter, I thought running for me was over. I knew that I would still run but as far as racing, I thought I would never be able to reach my goals. Just the opposite has happened!! All of my current PRs have happened after I had her....and believe me I CRUSHED my prebaby PRs! The greatest thing that is holding so many of us back is ourselves! Nothing else is keeping us from reaching those goals. BELIEVE it can be done!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Nancy: I have been running for 18 years....Wow saying that makes me feel a little old! It has been a journey with running for many different purposes. It began as a means to an ends and now has turned into a way of life! I really look at my running though sort of in three chapters, sports training, before baby, and after baby. I'm really loving this chapter the best I think! If only I had the energy and time from the first!!
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Nancy: I started running when I was a freshman in high school. My softball coach convinced me to try out for the soccer team, a sport which I had never played! I remember going to the captain's practices and running in the group. I used to almost hold my breathe because I didn't want the other girls to hear me breathing hard and think I was out of shape. Can we say silly?
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Nancy: My first race was a 5k in Providence, RI in 2000 and I finished in about 30 minutes. All I remember about the race was the last .1 was a HUGE uphill and I remember seeing my Dad at the bottom. He was so proud of me and cheering so loudly! My Mom was at the top ready to give me a big hug!
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Nancy: I waiver between a 5k and a Half marathon. The 5k is where you lay it all out on the line and take yourself just shy of throwing up....sounds like a blast right? No I just like how strong I feel at the end! The half is my new favorite. It is just the right distance to train for and is still a challenge of endurance and pace! Plus you can walk down the stairs the next day without wincing! I have logged 9 half marathons, mostly since I had my daughter!
![]() |
Nancy with her 6 month old daughter at her first race post birth |
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Nancy: Oh wow! I have so many! The Boston Marathon has so many great memories attached to it. I remember seeing my hubby tear up because he was so proud of me. It meant so much to me since he endured the training with me! Oh and the feeling I got turning the corner and seeing the finish line and having someone yell, "Don't cry yet!" Those memories still choke me up!
Nancy and her husband after the Boston Marathon |
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Nancy: A half marathon I ran in February of 2010 in Hyannis, MA. The race itself was great...good course and weather for February but I went out way too fast and was right on track for a sub 2 hour half but my body hit a wall at mile 11. It all went downhill from there. I actually cried on the course!
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Nancy: Aside from finishing the Boston I have quite a few! I would say right up there on the list is when I FINALLY broke the 2 hour barrier in my half marathon time! I ran it with my amazing friend Jill and it was so amazing to share that accomplishment with her!! My second proudest would have to be seeing my daughter run in a race and seeing her own pride spread across her face!
![]() |
Nancy and her friend Jill after achieving her sub 2 hour half marathon |
Nancy with her daughter at her daughter's first race |
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Nancy: My Ipod when I am running alone. I need my tunes to help distract me! I'm not antisocial though and I leave it at home when I'm with a buddy!
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Nancy: I have a super cranky tummy and tend to not fuel during races....I know rule breaker! I do love GU though and admittedly eat it sometimes for dessert! Lol! I can't believe I told someone else that! When I was marathon training I ate sport jelly beans....can't stand the sight of them now!
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Nancy: I'm pretty basic....a water and banana or bagel. Some races, especially here in New England have the craziest things post race. Like who can eat clam chowder or fried haddock after racing 13.1 miles? I tend to take stuff home with me and enjoy it later!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Nancy: In running it's Kara Goucher for not only being a killer runner but for killing it in Boston just 7 months after having a baby! She rocks!! In life I admire my Mom the most. She is so amazingly supportive and loving through whatever life throws at her. Life hasn't dealt her the most fair hand but she never complains. Instead she gives all she has to those around her and praises God each day! I hope I can be an example like that with my daughter!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Nancy: My Dad used to say to me, "Do your best and let God do the rest"! I need to remind myself of that from time to time. There are so many great ones out there that are so motivating! I love quotes about persevering and pushing yourself to the limit! Like you never know what you can do if you don't try type quotes!
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Nancy: Driven
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Nancy: I'm a little goal crazy! I am currently shooting for 1500 miles this year, however I will be happy to beat last year's total of 1111 miles. For races I have a few, beat my 5k pr of 24 minutes, and break 1:50 for a half mary!
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Nancy: I would say the biggest revelation for me with running has been since I had my daughter 2 years ago and it's something I try to convey to anyone who is thinking about running. After I had my daughter, I thought running for me was over. I knew that I would still run but as far as racing, I thought I would never be able to reach my goals. Just the opposite has happened!! All of my current PRs have happened after I had her....and believe me I CRUSHED my prebaby PRs! The greatest thing that is holding so many of us back is ourselves! Nothing else is keeping us from reaching those goals. BELIEVE it can be done!
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Nancy! Best of luck achieving your current goals!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Nancy YOU inspire ME!!
Living The Dream,
thumbs up Thursday
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Road ID- Better Safe Than Sorry
As many of you know I collapsed at the 2010 Cleveland Marathon. What I may not have shared is that I did not have any form of identification with me. I didn't fill out the emergency information on the back of my race bib because "I live in Cleveland, it's not necessary." Little did I know how important taking those few minutes to fill out the bib would end up being. Luckily when I came to I knew who I was and where I was but that certainly doesn't make me invincible. Next time I may not be so lucky.
I have talked about getting a Road ID ever since I collapsed. My friend Joe recently ordered one and gave out a coupon code which I used to order my ID yesterday. Ever since my experience at Cleveland I have filled out the back of my bib, however I am comforted by the added safety my Road ID shoe tag will give me.
The kind people at Road ID gave me a coupon that I could pass along to all of you.
Coupon Number: ThanksJodi8156179
The coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order placed by 08/20/2011.
To order, simply go to or click the link below:
If you prefer, you can call them at 800-345-6335.
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
I have talked about getting a Road ID ever since I collapsed. My friend Joe recently ordered one and gave out a coupon code which I used to order my ID yesterday. Ever since my experience at Cleveland I have filled out the back of my bib, however I am comforted by the added safety my Road ID shoe tag will give me.
The kind people at Road ID gave me a coupon that I could pass along to all of you.
Coupon Number: ThanksJodi8156179
The coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order placed by 08/20/2011.
To order, simply go to or click the link below:
If you prefer, you can call them at 800-345-6335.
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
RIP "Uncle" Joe Brindza
You may remember that I ran the Nashville Country Music 1/2 Marathon back in April. I ran it in support and honor of my "Uncle" Joe who had been diagnosed with esophogeal cancer and was in the fight of his life.
He was feeling well enough to be at the finish line after my journey and I was able to give him a hug and tell him that all 13.1 of those miles had been for him.
"Uncle" Joe lost his battle with cancer this morning. He fought the good fight and he is no longer in pain. He was one of the most amazing men I have had the opportunity to be related to and know. I know he is already looking down on his entire family supporting us every step of the way.
You will be missed dearly "Uncle" Joe.
Keep running, you're simply the best, and "Uncle" Joe your memory and will to fight inspire me!!
He was feeling well enough to be at the finish line after my journey and I was able to give him a hug and tell him that all 13.1 of those miles had been for him.
"Uncle" Joe lost his battle with cancer this morning. He fought the good fight and he is no longer in pain. He was one of the most amazing men I have had the opportunity to be related to and know. I know he is already looking down on his entire family supporting us every step of the way.
You will be missed dearly "Uncle" Joe.
Keep running, you're simply the best, and "Uncle" Joe your memory and will to fight inspire me!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thumbs Up Thursday...Megan
This week's spotlight is on yet another Megan who just so happens to run with the Megan that was spotlighted last week. You can follow this week's Megan at On The Road Again (here).
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Megan: I've been running on and off for nearly 8 years, but I only really got quasi-serious about running in 2008.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Megan: I'm very bad at keeping up with hobbies. So it's surprising that I not only started running, but kept it with it as the years have passed. Running, for me, began as one of those hobbies back in college. It helped me to get back into shape post-Freshman 15 (ok, more like Freshman 25) and stay in shape well after I graduated. Plus, I always thought I looked pretty hardcore running my three miles up and down the main road in my college town.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Megan: My first official races were a few 5k's back in 2003; I took up running longer distance races in 2008.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Megan: While nothing beats the feeling of crossing a marathon finish line, I'd have to say the half-marathon is actually my favorite race. The distance is much easier and less time consuming to train for (when compared with a marathon), yet it still provides me with a sense of real accomplishment and excitement.
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Megan: Coming into mile 25 during my first marathon (Detroit, 2009), "All These Things I've Done" by The Killers kicked on my iPod shuffle as I ran/walked/limped my way down the road between crowds of cheering spectators. My legs were as good as dead, but my heart was exploding with every emotion possible: happy to be nearly finished, yet sad to see it all nearly finished, too. It's a 1.2 miles I'll never forget.
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Megan: Although I've had my share of bad races - crappy weather, poor performances - I can't really say I have a least favorite memory. Every race I've ever competed in has been absolutely worth it. Even the bad races and worst memories have made me a better, stronger runner.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Megan: Can I cheat and have two? Ok, I'm gonna cheat. #1: Running across the finish line in Detroit in '09 and #2: completing a sprint triathlon last summer and not completing drowning in the swim leg.
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Megan: Music! It keeps me occupied and motivated to keep on keepin' on no matter the situation.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Megan: I'm a big fan of GU Energy Gels for long runs and races in fruity flavors like Orange Burst and Lemon Sublime.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Megan: I wish I could say something super healthy, like a fat salad or a grilled chicken sandwich. But truthfully, I love a good meaty piece (or 6) of pizza - deep dish, with lots of cheese. And cookies. Lots of cookies. I'm one of those people who run a 5k and pig out like I ran an ultra.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Megan: Inspiration can be found in everyone. I admire my husband, who can bang out 6 miles even when his training schedule calls for 4. I admire a lady I see every year at the Crim 10-Mile race who runs in a cheetah outfit, complete with ears and a tail (and does the race very fast, I might add). I admire any person who gets out and runs a mile here and there. People inspire me to keep moving.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Megan: "Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." - Henry David Thoreau. (I'm an English teacher and a literature nerd, so I love Thoreau but you've got to agree that this quote says it all!)
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Megan: When I run, I feel FREE.
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Megan: Well, I'm currently almost 14 weeks pregnant, so my typical training goals are on hold for the rest of the year. Instead, I'm planning on entering a few shorter races just for fun this summer. After that, I'm going to run for as long as I comfortably can, which will hopefully be right up until my due date in January.
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Megan: I like to consider myself a very average runner. I get out there for every run not because I think it will lead to a Boston qualifier or a gold medal or a sweet sponsorship (although any and all of those would be welcomed!). I get out there because it makes me feel good. I compete against myself and my abilities, and that's good enough for me. You don't need to be fast or have cool gear to be a runner; you just have to have the desire to want to feel the ground move beneath your feet.
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Megan! Best of luck with the arrival of the baby and continued success in your running!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Megan YOU inspire ME!!
Megan during a training run with the "other" Megan |
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Megan: I've been running on and off for nearly 8 years, but I only really got quasi-serious about running in 2008.
Megan with her husband after her first long race ever- The Crim 10-Miler 2008 |
Megan: I'm very bad at keeping up with hobbies. So it's surprising that I not only started running, but kept it with it as the years have passed. Running, for me, began as one of those hobbies back in college. It helped me to get back into shape post-Freshman 15 (ok, more like Freshman 25) and stay in shape well after I graduated. Plus, I always thought I looked pretty hardcore running my three miles up and down the main road in my college town.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Megan: My first official races were a few 5k's back in 2003; I took up running longer distance races in 2008.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Megan: While nothing beats the feeling of crossing a marathon finish line, I'd have to say the half-marathon is actually my favorite race. The distance is much easier and less time consuming to train for (when compared with a marathon), yet it still provides me with a sense of real accomplishment and excitement.
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Megan: Coming into mile 25 during my first marathon (Detroit, 2009), "All These Things I've Done" by The Killers kicked on my iPod shuffle as I ran/walked/limped my way down the road between crowds of cheering spectators. My legs were as good as dead, but my heart was exploding with every emotion possible: happy to be nearly finished, yet sad to see it all nearly finished, too. It's a 1.2 miles I'll never forget.
Megan's first marathon bib |
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Megan: Although I've had my share of bad races - crappy weather, poor performances - I can't really say I have a least favorite memory. Every race I've ever competed in has been absolutely worth it. Even the bad races and worst memories have made me a better, stronger runner.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Megan: Can I cheat and have two? Ok, I'm gonna cheat. #1: Running across the finish line in Detroit in '09 and #2: completing a sprint triathlon last summer and not completing drowning in the swim leg.
Megan coming out of the water in her first triathlon |
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Megan: Music! It keeps me occupied and motivated to keep on keepin' on no matter the situation.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Megan: I'm a big fan of GU Energy Gels for long runs and races in fruity flavors like Orange Burst and Lemon Sublime.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Megan: I wish I could say something super healthy, like a fat salad or a grilled chicken sandwich. But truthfully, I love a good meaty piece (or 6) of pizza - deep dish, with lots of cheese. And cookies. Lots of cookies. I'm one of those people who run a 5k and pig out like I ran an ultra.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Megan: Inspiration can be found in everyone. I admire my husband, who can bang out 6 miles even when his training schedule calls for 4. I admire a lady I see every year at the Crim 10-Mile race who runs in a cheetah outfit, complete with ears and a tail (and does the race very fast, I might add). I admire any person who gets out and runs a mile here and there. People inspire me to keep moving.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Megan: "Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." - Henry David Thoreau. (I'm an English teacher and a literature nerd, so I love Thoreau but you've got to agree that this quote says it all!)
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel___________.
Megan: When I run, I feel FREE.
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Megan: Well, I'm currently almost 14 weeks pregnant, so my typical training goals are on hold for the rest of the year. Instead, I'm planning on entering a few shorter races just for fun this summer. After that, I'm going to run for as long as I comfortably can, which will hopefully be right up until my due date in January.
Kalamazoo Marathon May 2011- yes Megan ran the marathon pregnant!! |
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Megan: I like to consider myself a very average runner. I get out there for every run not because I think it will lead to a Boston qualifier or a gold medal or a sweet sponsorship (although any and all of those would be welcomed!). I get out there because it makes me feel good. I compete against myself and my abilities, and that's good enough for me. You don't need to be fast or have cool gear to be a runner; you just have to have the desire to want to feel the ground move beneath your feet.
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Megan! Best of luck with the arrival of the baby and continued success in your running!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Megan YOU inspire ME!!
On The Road Again,
thumbs up Thursday
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dinner with the Girls
Last night several of us girls that run together went to dinner. We went to Market Beer Restaurant (here).
After we spending a good two plus hours chatting about everything from running to kids to vacations, we headed out to have some gelato. We went to a very cute new place called The Sweet Spot (here). We thoroughly enjoyed our flavor choices and of course had to get another photo.
After about three hours we called it a night and decided we definitely have to get together more often!
And even though none of us are in our running clothes:
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
It is a very cute restaurant and the food was very good! Since we normally are in running clothes we decided to take a group picture. See we do wear regular clothes and do our hair and makeup from time to time!!
Jenn, Bonnie, Deb, Me, Bick, Missi, Brigette |
Front Row- Brigette, Bick, Missi Back Row- Me, Jenn, Deb |
And even though none of us are in our running clothes:
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Columbus Shopping Trip
Sunday afternoon Deb and I headed to Columbus for our annual shopping trip. It's nice to get away and relax, shop, and of course eat way too much. Once in town we headed to The Container Store. This year's trip was a lot gentler on our pocketbooks as we didn't buy nearly as much as we did last year. Of course last year Deb was buying a shelving system for her daughter's bedroom and I was buying all kinds of "must have" gadgets of course! This year I walked out with a new trash can for my daughter's bedroom and a nice shower caddy for the bathroom. Since Dave lives in Columbus we had the chance to have dinner with him on Sunday evening. We decided on McCormick and Schmick's so I went ahead and called to make a 7:45 reservation. We made a wrong turn on our way there and didn't get to the restaurant until 8:00. Imagine our surprise when there was a sign on the door saying that the restaurant was closing at 8:00. One of the staff came to the door and apologized for the fact that they closed early. Fortunately Dave was thinking on his toes and commented that I guess that reservation didn't mean anything. The staff member said you're our last reservation tonight, come on in. The food was great. I don't generally like fish but I tried Deb's sole and it was actually very good. The shrimp I ordered may just have been the best shrimp I have ever eaten. Now the dessert however was THE BEST part of the meal. All three of us were in awe of the deliciousness of the peanut butter pie. We were trying to figure out how they made it. We spent the next two hours chatting and catching up with Dave which was great. He has such a great sense of humor and always has the best stories. Finally we were the last ones left in the restaurant and the manager made his way to our table to politely tell us to "get the heck out" since they were closed.
Monday morning Deb and I slept in for a bit and then headed to the Jeffersonville Outlets. We had a great time shopping and found some great deals. There was of course a lot of credit/debit card swiping at the check out counters! We finished up at the outlets and headed back to the hotel to freshen up. Last night we headed to Easton and had dinner at Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy. Once again the food was fantastic and we ended up eating too much once again. Following dinner we did a little shopping and then headed back to the hotel.
Today we had to come home. So sad I know! We had some breakfast at Panera and then stopped by a store at Polaris so Deb could find a dress for a wedding she has coming up in August. Oh and yes, I did manage to fit my 5 mile marathon pace run in today!
All in all it was a great girl's trip! I can't wait for next year Deb!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Monday morning Deb and I slept in for a bit and then headed to the Jeffersonville Outlets. We had a great time shopping and found some great deals. There was of course a lot of credit/debit card swiping at the check out counters! We finished up at the outlets and headed back to the hotel to freshen up. Last night we headed to Easton and had dinner at Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy. Once again the food was fantastic and we ended up eating too much once again. Following dinner we did a little shopping and then headed back to the hotel.
Today we had to come home. So sad I know! We had some breakfast at Panera and then stopped by a store at Polaris so Deb could find a dress for a wedding she has coming up in August. Oh and yes, I did manage to fit my 5 mile marathon pace run in today!
All in all it was a great girl's trip! I can't wait for next year Deb!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thumbs Up Thursday...Megan
This week's spotlight is on Megan of WatchMeGoRun (here). Once you read her interview, head on over and check out her blog!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Megan: I've had an on again/off again relationship since high school. I ran track for 2 years, then gave it up. Started back up in college and did a 5k without really trying. It wasn't until this past summer I started to take it seriously and got into racing.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Megan: Last year, when I decided to stick with it, I had just had my gall bladder removed a few months before. I felt sick all the time and exercising definitely helped. Plus, it also helped keep me sane(ish)!
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Megan: I did my first 5k about 4 years ago, but this is my first year of doing races continuously.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Megan: I haven't done a ton of distances, but so far, I really love the 10k. I think I hold it closest to my heart because it was my first real accomplishment in running. Everyone I knew had done a 5k, a 10k felt like so much more!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Megan: Bay to Breakers - It was the 100th year so it was one big celebration and running in San Francisco was breath-taking. I absolutely want to do it again!
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Megan: Warning - TMI: feeling like I was going to poop my pants near the end of one 10k race - luckily I didn't, but clenching your butt muscles is NOT fun.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Megan: Placing in my age group once in a 5k and in two different 10ks.
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Megan: My garmin - it's my life support.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Megan: I usually only do the water thus far - GU and I don't typically get along. I can handle chomps though.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Megan: Froyo and slurpees!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Megan: Desiree Davila - Gotta support another Michigander, especially one that rocked it at Boston!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Megan: "That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by your racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is"- Kara Goucher.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel_________.
Megan: Alive and exhilerated! (most days)
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Megan: Run strong on Hood to Coast Relay team (sponsored by Nuun) and to run a sub 2 hour half in October!
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Megan! Best of luck achieving your current goals!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Megan YOU inspire ME!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Megan: I've had an on again/off again relationship since high school. I ran track for 2 years, then gave it up. Started back up in college and did a 5k without really trying. It wasn't until this past summer I started to take it seriously and got into racing.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Megan: Last year, when I decided to stick with it, I had just had my gall bladder removed a few months before. I felt sick all the time and exercising definitely helped. Plus, it also helped keep me sane(ish)!
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Megan: I did my first 5k about 4 years ago, but this is my first year of doing races continuously.
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Megan: I haven't done a ton of distances, but so far, I really love the 10k. I think I hold it closest to my heart because it was my first real accomplishment in running. Everyone I knew had done a 5k, a 10k felt like so much more!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Megan: Bay to Breakers - It was the 100th year so it was one big celebration and running in San Francisco was breath-taking. I absolutely want to do it again!
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Megan: Warning - TMI: feeling like I was going to poop my pants near the end of one 10k race - luckily I didn't, but clenching your butt muscles is NOT fun.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Megan: Placing in my age group once in a 5k and in two different 10ks.
Run Against Drugs 10K- 3rd place in age group |
Run With the Cops, Not From Them 5K- 3rd in age group- Megan's first medal!! |
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Megan: My garmin - it's my life support.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Megan: I usually only do the water thus far - GU and I don't typically get along. I can handle chomps though.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Megan: Froyo and slurpees!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Megan: Desiree Davila - Gotta support another Michigander, especially one that rocked it at Boston!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Megan: "That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by your racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is"- Kara Goucher.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel_________.
Megan: Alive and exhilerated! (most days)
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Megan: Run strong on Hood to Coast Relay team (sponsored by Nuun) and to run a sub 2 hour half in October!
Megan's Hood to Coast application picture |
Thanks again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Megan! Best of luck achieving your current goals!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Megan YOU inspire ME!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mrytle Beach 2011
We arrived in Mrytle Beach yesterday afternoon. We headed out to grab some groceries, went to dinner, and then walked down to the beach and the kids swam a bit in the pool. First thing this morning I was up for my 5 mile marathon pace run. As to be expected it was quite humid however the beautiful scenery during the run did make up for it. In looking back at our last trip to Mrytle Beach in 2009 I realized what a difference two years can make.
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Grant and Kaelynn Myrtle Beach 2009 |
Grant and Kaelynn Myrtle Beach 2011 |
Me with the kids Mrytle Beach 2009 |
Me with the kids Mrytle Beach 2011 |
It's amazing how quickly they grow. It's also amazing to see my transformation. All of the hard work and mileage has definitely been worth it!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
June In Review
Yesterday I ran 5 miles with four .30 mile hill repeats thrown in the middle. This tough workout brought my June training to an end.
June started off quite nicely when I ran the LULA 5k with strep throat and managed to pull off a third place age group finish.
It turns out that I had more than strep throat. In fact I was quite ill according to my doctor's findings. I not only had strep but I also had an abscess on my throat. I received this diagnosis the Monday after the 5K and was given strict orders not to run until Sunday. I also left with some pretty hardcore antibiotics. I was also advised to take probiotics and eat plenty of yogurt while on the meds. I can honestly say I am still sick of yogurt and haven't eaten it since day 10 of my antibiotic. The good news is that all of this rest turned out to be a blessing because, come Monday, June 13, I was more than ready to begin my Columbus Marathon training.
I will be finishing up week 3 of training on Sunday and so far things are going very well. I also didn't hit 100 miles run in June; however I came pretty close even with taking a week off to get better. I would call that a success.
June Stats
90.1-- running miles
0-- elliptical miles
0-- bike miles
55.8-- spinning class miles
145.9-- total miles
0 minutes-- rope skipping
156.8-- weight as of June 30, 2011
Current 2011 Stats
639.21-- running miles
17.8-- elliptical miles
.86-- bike miles
55.8-- spinning class miles
713.67-- total miles
1 hour and 55 minutes-- rope skipping
Overall June was a good month and I'm looking forward to continuing my marathon training!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
June started off quite nicely when I ran the LULA 5k with strep throat and managed to pull off a third place age group finish.
It turns out that I had more than strep throat. In fact I was quite ill according to my doctor's findings. I not only had strep but I also had an abscess on my throat. I received this diagnosis the Monday after the 5K and was given strict orders not to run until Sunday. I also left with some pretty hardcore antibiotics. I was also advised to take probiotics and eat plenty of yogurt while on the meds. I can honestly say I am still sick of yogurt and haven't eaten it since day 10 of my antibiotic. The good news is that all of this rest turned out to be a blessing because, come Monday, June 13, I was more than ready to begin my Columbus Marathon training.
I will be finishing up week 3 of training on Sunday and so far things are going very well. I also didn't hit 100 miles run in June; however I came pretty close even with taking a week off to get better. I would call that a success.
June Stats
90.1-- running miles
0-- elliptical miles
0-- bike miles
55.8-- spinning class miles
145.9-- total miles
0 minutes-- rope skipping
156.8-- weight as of June 30, 2011
Current 2011 Stats
639.21-- running miles
17.8-- elliptical miles
.86-- bike miles
55.8-- spinning class miles
713.67-- total miles
1 hour and 55 minutes-- rope skipping
Overall June was a good month and I'm looking forward to continuing my marathon training!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
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