At 10:35 AM this morning, my Garmin hit 10 miles indicating that I was about to run my 1,000 mile for 2010. Exactly 8 minutes and 20 seconds later my Garmin beeped as I reached the 11 mile mark of my long run which in turn indicated that I had achieved 1,000 miles run for 2010!! Yes, I gave that last mile my all!! To say this accomplishment means a lot to me is an understatement. I wasn't sure I would be able to hit 1,000 miles before December 31 when I started my 2010 training! In fact, when I started running again 1 year and 8 months ago I never imagined I would be where I am today! I am constantly amazed at what my body is capable of. I am forever grateful to have found my love for running again!
October Stats
122--- running miles
0--- elliptical miles
0--- bike miles
122--- total miles
151--- weight as of October 31, 2010
Current 2010 Stats
1,000--- running miles--Exactly 1,000 miles run in 2010!!!
52.9--- elliptical miles
5.1--- bike miles
1,058--- total miles
I am very happy with my October stats which included a 3 minute PR performance at the Detroit 1/2 Marathon but I have to say I am over the moon happy with my current 2010 stats! 1,000 miles run and done!!!
Happy Halloween!!
Keep running, you're simply the best and you inspire me!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
5 Years Ago Today, I Became A Mother....
To this handsome young man!!

5 years ago today I also became the mother of two!!

These two keep me on my toes and challenge me daily but I wouldn't change it for the world. Sometimes they give me a break and get along really well and even happily pose for pictures!! I live for those days!!
Yesterday when I picked Grant up from pre-school his class was in the gym. I walked in and he ran up to me and said: "Mommy, watch how fast I can run!! He proceeded to run as fast as he possibly could around the gym and finished right next to me and said: "High five mom, high five!" Turns out Grant loves to run for fun as well! He even gave it his all last weekend on the track after my 5K!

Look at that form! He was so very proud of himself and smiled the entire time! When he got back to me he said: "Mom, that was so much fun especially because I won!" My friend Nikki took the picture of us below and I love it because it pretty much sums up how much the kids and I love to run for fun!! Seriously, look how happy we are!!

So in honor of Grant's birthday, head on out and "run for fun" today! My fun run will have to wait until tomorrow since today is a scheduled rest day and is filled with birthday celebrations!!
Happy birthday Grant! I love you to the moon and back!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Grant YOU inspire ME to run for FUN!!
5 years ago today I also became the mother of two!!
These two keep me on my toes and challenge me daily but I wouldn't change it for the world. Sometimes they give me a break and get along really well and even happily pose for pictures!! I live for those days!!
Yesterday when I picked Grant up from pre-school his class was in the gym. I walked in and he ran up to me and said: "Mommy, watch how fast I can run!! He proceeded to run as fast as he possibly could around the gym and finished right next to me and said: "High five mom, high five!" Turns out Grant loves to run for fun as well! He even gave it his all last weekend on the track after my 5K!
Look at that form! He was so very proud of himself and smiled the entire time! When he got back to me he said: "Mom, that was so much fun especially because I won!" My friend Nikki took the picture of us below and I love it because it pretty much sums up how much the kids and I love to run for fun!! Seriously, look how happy we are!!
So in honor of Grant's birthday, head on out and "run for fun" today! My fun run will have to wait until tomorrow since today is a scheduled rest day and is filled with birthday celebrations!!
Happy birthday Grant! I love you to the moon and back!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Grant YOU inspire ME to run for FUN!!
5 years,
Happy Birthday,
mother of two,
run for fun
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thumbs Up Thursday...Kim
These week's spotlight is on Kim of Book Worm Runs (here). Stop on over to her blog and say hello after you read her interview! I love that Kim and I have a goal in will have to read her answers to see what I mean! :)
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Kim: I started running in January 2009 using the couch to 5k program. When I started I could barely run for 1 minute at a time!! I definitely credit that program for getting me hooked on running. There is nothing like seeing progress week after week to keep me motivated!
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Kim: In 2008 my husband and I decided to start trying to have children. Unfortunately I went on to suffer 3 miscarriages and was subsequently diagnosed with a chromosomal abnormality. I was told that the likelihood of me carrying a healthy pregnancy to term was slim to none. Needless to say my husband and I were devastated. The miscarriages really took a toll on us mentally and I slipped into a deep depression. When the New Year (2009) came I decided I wanted to reclaim control over my body and my life. I decided to start running not only for my mental health but also because I wanted to prove that my body wasn't a complete failure. That I could still achieve goals that I set my mind to and that my body was still capable of doing amazing things even if carrying a baby was not one of them. Running has been my saving grace and really was instrumental in pulling me out of my depression.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Kim: My first race was a 5k in May 2009, just 4 months after I started running. My Mom is a breast cancer survivor so I decided my first race would benefit breast cancer research. I raised over $300 and ran my first race dedicated to her! I have since gone on to run 6 more 5k's, 3 10k's and a Half Marathon :o)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Kim: Honestly, anything other than a 5k!! I am really short and run really slow so I am just not built for the speed that the 5k requires! I definitely prefer the longer races because I don't have to run at full speed and I really feel like I earned that medal! LOL!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Kim: It would have to be running my very first 5k and coming around the corner with 1/2 mile to go and seeing all my family and friends there cheering for me! It was amazing to know I was going to finish my first race and that all the people I loved were there to see me do it! :o)

Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Kim: I don't really have any bad race memories!! I honestly have had awesome experiences at every race I go to! I always go and have fun no matter what. I feel truly blessed to even be able to run and be active so even if I am having an "off" day and am not running the best I am still having fun!
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Kim: For sure it is crossing the finish line at my first Half Marathon :o) I trained really hard all summer to run that race and every moment was amazing. I will never forget rounding the corner and seeing the finish line and just bursting into tears! :o) So many emotions were rushing through me it was overwhelming. I was so extremely proud of myself that day!

Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Kim: My Garmin!! I am addicted to that thing! LOL! Also, I love my Camelbak. It got me through those 90 degree long runs this summer! :o)
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Kim: I have always just used Gatorade! I find it works the best at giving me that extra push and also quenches my thirst. As I start to train for my Marathon, though, I will have to experiment with other fuel like Gu.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Kim: Chocolate milk!! I also love eggs...either scrambled or an egg sandwich :o)
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Kim: I really really admire and am in awe of people like Matt Long who have suffered a horrible tragedy and who have emerged from that tragedy and done something amazing. I only hope I have the spirit and the will to do the same thing if ever I am in their position.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Kim: I have a few but my absolute favorite is from John Bingham: "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start".
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ________.
Kim: Alive!!!!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Kim: To run the Cleveland Marathon in May 2011!!! People have asked me why I want to run a Marathon and I always tell them that once I run a Marathon I know there is nothing I can't conquer! :o)
Because you can never have enough race pictures, here are a few more of Kim!!

1st 10K- August 2009

2nd 10K- June 2010

2nd 10K- June 2010
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Kim: I started running in January 2009 using the couch to 5k program. When I started I could barely run for 1 minute at a time!! I definitely credit that program for getting me hooked on running. There is nothing like seeing progress week after week to keep me motivated!
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Kim: In 2008 my husband and I decided to start trying to have children. Unfortunately I went on to suffer 3 miscarriages and was subsequently diagnosed with a chromosomal abnormality. I was told that the likelihood of me carrying a healthy pregnancy to term was slim to none. Needless to say my husband and I were devastated. The miscarriages really took a toll on us mentally and I slipped into a deep depression. When the New Year (2009) came I decided I wanted to reclaim control over my body and my life. I decided to start running not only for my mental health but also because I wanted to prove that my body wasn't a complete failure. That I could still achieve goals that I set my mind to and that my body was still capable of doing amazing things even if carrying a baby was not one of them. Running has been my saving grace and really was instrumental in pulling me out of my depression.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Kim: My first race was a 5k in May 2009, just 4 months after I started running. My Mom is a breast cancer survivor so I decided my first race would benefit breast cancer research. I raised over $300 and ran my first race dedicated to her! I have since gone on to run 6 more 5k's, 3 10k's and a Half Marathon :o)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Kim: Honestly, anything other than a 5k!! I am really short and run really slow so I am just not built for the speed that the 5k requires! I definitely prefer the longer races because I don't have to run at full speed and I really feel like I earned that medal! LOL!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Kim: It would have to be running my very first 5k and coming around the corner with 1/2 mile to go and seeing all my family and friends there cheering for me! It was amazing to know I was going to finish my first race and that all the people I loved were there to see me do it! :o)
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Kim: I don't really have any bad race memories!! I honestly have had awesome experiences at every race I go to! I always go and have fun no matter what. I feel truly blessed to even be able to run and be active so even if I am having an "off" day and am not running the best I am still having fun!
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Kim: For sure it is crossing the finish line at my first Half Marathon :o) I trained really hard all summer to run that race and every moment was amazing. I will never forget rounding the corner and seeing the finish line and just bursting into tears! :o) So many emotions were rushing through me it was overwhelming. I was so extremely proud of myself that day!
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Kim: My Garmin!! I am addicted to that thing! LOL! Also, I love my Camelbak. It got me through those 90 degree long runs this summer! :o)
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Kim: I have always just used Gatorade! I find it works the best at giving me that extra push and also quenches my thirst. As I start to train for my Marathon, though, I will have to experiment with other fuel like Gu.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Kim: Chocolate milk!! I also love eggs...either scrambled or an egg sandwich :o)
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Kim: I really really admire and am in awe of people like Matt Long who have suffered a horrible tragedy and who have emerged from that tragedy and done something amazing. I only hope I have the spirit and the will to do the same thing if ever I am in their position.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Kim: I have a few but my absolute favorite is from John Bingham: "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start".
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ________.
Kim: Alive!!!!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Kim: To run the Cleveland Marathon in May 2011!!! People have asked me why I want to run a Marathon and I always tell them that once I run a Marathon I know there is nothing I can't conquer! :o)
Because you can never have enough race pictures, here are a few more of Kim!!
1st 10K- August 2009
2nd 10K- June 2010
2nd 10K- June 2010
book worm runs,
Cleveland marathon,
thumbs up Thursday
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Happy Blogiversary to Me!! Skeleton 5k Race Report
Today marks the one year anniversary of my blog! One year ago I created my first post (here) which explained that my blog would document my training for the 2010 Cleveland Marathon. I never imagined I would improve so much in just a year. Of course I had my share of struggles, such as my Cleveland Marathon DNF (here). Along with those struggles, I also had many successes. Let's take a look at what a difference a year makes!!
2009 PR's
5K- 24:08 at the Reindeer Run (here)
5 Miler - not raced in 2009
10K- 52:35 at the Peace Race
10 Miler- not raced in 2009
Half Marathon- 1:54:14 at the Columbus 1/2 Marathon
Marathon- not raced in 2009
2010 PR's
5K- 22:48 at the Voices for Recovery 5K (here)
5 Miler- 42:13 at the St. Malachi 5 Miler (here)
10K- not raced in 2010
10 Miler- 1:21:34 at the Cleveland 10 Miler (here)
Half Marathon- 1:51:18 at the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon (here)
Marathon- no time recorded since my race ended at mile 25.52.
I would say the successes far outweigh the struggles!
What better way to celebrate my one year blogiversary than to run a 5K so I headed out to do just that this morning! My friend Nikki and I decided before Detroit last week that we would run the Skeleton 5K this weekend! Since it is a Halloween themed race, Nikki convinced me to wear a costume since today's run was all about fun! My plan was to just run how I felt. Imagine my surprise when I realized I felt good enough to run a 23:33 and place 2nd in my age group and receive a pumpkin roll for my costume!! Not too shabby one week post 1/2 marathon!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I will let the pictures from today speak for themselves!

Kaelynn and Olivia actually running

Grant and Morgan running. Look at my son go!

Grant all smiles when he realized he was going to "win"
Grant wins!

Me and the kiddos starting a lap around the track. Grant never started and Kaelynn stopped at the 200 meter mark! LOL
What an amazing year it has been! Thank you to everyone for your encouragement, support, and advice along the way! I am continually amazed by the kindness of the running community! Today I will declare as I did one year ago today that I am training for the 2011 Cleveland Marathon! This time, I WILL finish upright, and continue to document my journey along the way!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
2009 PR's
5K- 24:08 at the Reindeer Run (here)
5 Miler - not raced in 2009
10K- 52:35 at the Peace Race
10 Miler- not raced in 2009
Half Marathon- 1:54:14 at the Columbus 1/2 Marathon
Marathon- not raced in 2009
2010 PR's
5K- 22:48 at the Voices for Recovery 5K (here)
5 Miler- 42:13 at the St. Malachi 5 Miler (here)
10K- not raced in 2010
10 Miler- 1:21:34 at the Cleveland 10 Miler (here)
Half Marathon- 1:51:18 at the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon (here)
Marathon- no time recorded since my race ended at mile 25.52.
I would say the successes far outweigh the struggles!
What better way to celebrate my one year blogiversary than to run a 5K so I headed out to do just that this morning! My friend Nikki and I decided before Detroit last week that we would run the Skeleton 5K this weekend! Since it is a Halloween themed race, Nikki convinced me to wear a costume since today's run was all about fun! My plan was to just run how I felt. Imagine my surprise when I realized I felt good enough to run a 23:33 and place 2nd in my age group and receive a pumpkin roll for my costume!! Not too shabby one week post 1/2 marathon!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I will let the pictures from today speak for themselves!
Nikki and I after the 5K
2nd place in age group (35-39)
Nikki and I's kids asked if they could run around the track after the awards ceremony. So of course we agreed and I got lots of great pictures!!

Kaelynn and Olivia "running"Kaelynn and Olivia actually running
Grant and Morgan running. Look at my son go!
Grant all smiles when he realized he was going to "win"
Grant wins!
Me and the kiddos starting a lap around the track. Grant never started and Kaelynn stopped at the 200 meter mark! LOL
What an amazing year it has been! Thank you to everyone for your encouragement, support, and advice along the way! I am continually amazed by the kindness of the running community! Today I will declare as I did one year ago today that I am training for the 2011 Cleveland Marathon! This time, I WILL finish upright, and continue to document my journey along the way!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Cleveland marathon,
Skeleton 5k
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tomorrow is my one year blogiversary...Funfilled post to come tomorrow!
For now I will leave you with some fun pictures.....
Brenda and I at last year's Skeleton 5k. You will have to tune in tomorrow to see how this year's Skeleton 5k goes.

Kaelynn sporting her Halloween Outfit
Grant eating a donut for the first time. The things we take for granted...he outgrew his egg allergy this week and he can't stop asking for anything and everything that has eggs in it!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inpsire me!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thumbs Up Thursday....Stephanie Arango
This week's spotlight is on Stephanie of Steph's 50 Marathon Challenge. Once you read her interview, head on over to her blog and say hello. It is an amazing read! I promise you won't be disappointed! Stephanie ran the Detroit Marathon on Sunday. I had finished the 1/2 marathon and was hoping to see her finish but somehow I missed her. I did hear them announce her name after she crossed the finish line though. Hopefully our paths with cross again and we will get to meet!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Stephanie: Started distance running in the 3rd grade... so 15 years.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Stephanie: Started distance running in the 3rd grade... so 15 years.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Stephanie: A coach/gym teacher "Mr. C" Trained 3rd and 4th grade girls to run the Freihoffers Run for Women 5K in Albany,NY as an initiative to get girls into sports.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Stephanie: Oh Gosh-- I would definitely say since the 3rd grade. I always wanted to be the fastest and can definitely be a competitive "brat" as some people may put it (ahem, mom!). I even insisted on looking like I was winning when I took a picture of me racing Meb!

Stephanie racing Meb Keflezighi
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Stephanie: The Marathon- It's a distance that will test you SO much physically and mentally, it's unlike any other sport. You line up on the starting line and have NO idea how you're going to do until you're around mile 10 or so-- It's so unpredictable! Also-- you need to do EVERY kind of training to actually race a marathon... speed, endurance, strength! Anything longer than the marathon... there is just too much walking and it's harder to race consistantly.
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Stephanie: The first time I made a BQ (Boston Marathon qualifying time). I don't live in Albany anymore (My job moved me to Cincinnati), but my whole family does and the race was there this past March. A bunch of family and friends were supporting me through the whole race and my mom was at the finish-- we both cried!
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Stephanie: The HURL 50K in Helena, MT. The elevation and mountains we were climbing were brutal. There were very few runners so I felt very much alone, struggling to climb some of the uphills. I was really worried that I couldn't finish... yet there was no way for anybody to get to me if I wanted to drop.

The Hurl 50K Range
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Stephanie: At the Omaha Marathon this year-- on my 20th marathon of the year I pulled out a serious PR (about 10 minutes) for a 3:24:01. It was the first time I felt completely comfortable racing the WHOLE marathon-- the last few miles I was doing negative splits and felt great! It took over 40 marathons to get completely comfortable... but I finally got there!

Stephanie accepting an award at the Omaha Marathon from Jeff Galloway
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Stephanie: Headphones & my Garmin -- I've only completed 1 long run naked and I'll never do that again.
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Stephanie: I love GU and sportsbeans!!! I sometimes eat them when I'm sitting at home cause they taste so good! ... is that bad?
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Stephanie: I've been craving milk lately! Chocolate milk or milkshakes... even ice cream! I also usually get a cheeseburger an hour or 2 after.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Stephanie: Kara Goucher. She runs with the intensity and drive that you're more likely to see in the men's competition. When she got 3rd in her first marathon and wanted to immediately sign up for London the next week I thought ... "SHE is a competitor!" Loved it!

Stephanie in front of a picture of Kara at a Storefrount in Boston
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Stephanie: RUN TO WIN! - Meb Keflezighi writes this everywhere. I like to say "ANYbody can run a marathon!"
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel __________.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel __________.
Stephanie: Invincible!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Stephanie: 1) Finish the 50 States by Boston 2011 (currently at 42 states) 2) Get in and complete Badwater! 3) Finish a marathon in under 3:15.
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Stephanie: If you don't feel like you can do something... try! This goes especially for running. It's 90% mental and you'll never fully understand that until you've looked back at something you just completed and remember all the times you thought "I could never do THAT!" After 45 marathons I still shock myself every week. The human spirit is stronger than anything you've ever imagined and it's just waiting for you to test it out.
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Stephanie: If you don't feel like you can do something... try! This goes especially for running. It's 90% mental and you'll never fully understand that until you've looked back at something you just completed and remember all the times you thought "I could never do THAT!" After 45 marathons I still shock myself every week. The human spirit is stronger than anything you've ever imagined and it's just waiting for you to test it out.
Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Stephanie! Best of luck with your current goals! I am sure you will crush them!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Stephanie YOU inspire ME!!
50 marathon,
Stephanie Arango,
thumbs up Thursday
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Totally Terrific Tuesday
It is definitely a "Triple T" kind of day!
-still totally ecstatic about my PR showing (here)on Sunday in the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon!
-feeling terrific after visiting some blogs today and realizing that I am Runner of the Week over at Run, Courtney, Run (here). Thank you, thank you, thank you Courtney! I really enjoyed answering all of the questions as it brought back so many great memories!
-so glad Tuesday has arrived because it means I get to enjoy my two hour massage this evening. Just what the sore muscles ordered!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
-still totally ecstatic about my PR showing (here)on Sunday in the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon!
-feeling terrific after visiting some blogs today and realizing that I am Runner of the Week over at Run, Courtney, Run (here). Thank you, thank you, thank you Courtney! I really enjoyed answering all of the questions as it brought back so many great memories!
-so glad Tuesday has arrived because it means I get to enjoy my two hour massage this evening. Just what the sore muscles ordered!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
run courtney run,
run of the week,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon Race Report
We arrived in Detroit yesterday afternoon and headed over to the Expo to pick up our race packets. I only purchased a Bondi Band this time, so I made it out of the Expo without leaving my life savings behind! LOL. On our way out of the expo we stopped to take some fun pictures.

At 6:15 AM we headed for the start line. I was checking gear for the first time today and it took us a long time to figure out where the gear check actually was. Once we found it I started to panic because the line was very long. My wonderful friends helped me stay calm. While waiting in line I had my cranberry grapefruit Carb Boom. It was actually very good. I was thrilled when I realized the line was moving very quickly. I put my pre-race long sleeve shirt in my bag and handed it to the awesome volunteers and we were on our way to the starting line. We were attempting to make it to Corral E which is where we were to start but it was 6:58 by this time so we climbed through the fence at Corral C just as the race was started. I was feeling great and smiling during the first mile. Afterall, that was the last piece of advice Joe gave me. I also made sure to "run loose". I settled right in with the 3:35 pacer and talked with a few other runners, most of them doing the full. As we approached the Ambassador Bridge I was thrilled that I had done hill repeat workouts. The bridge was definitely a climb. They only had 1/2 of the bridge closed and it was incredibly congested. I was pretty much forced to slow my pace during this section until we got to the end of the bridge. I didn't let it bother me. Afterall, I was still with the 3:35 pace so I figured I must be doing something right! I was thrilled when we were able to spread out again. I just kept plugging along keeping the 3:35 pace in sight! I knew going into the race if I wanted to reach my "secondary goal" of 1:50 I would need to be at 50:14 at mile 6. I got to mile 6 and my watch read 50:14 exactly! I continued to plug along thinking that my next goal was to be to the 10 mile mark at 1:23. Shortly after mile 7 we hit the tunnel back to the US. Somewhere in the tunnel, my Garmin completely lost satellite signal and I was running "pace blind" for the first time all day. I just kept going and thinking how much I really wanted to be out of the hot tunnel. I wanted circulated air and I wanted it now and that's when I exited the tunnel and saw the mile 8 sign! My Garmin never lost time but it did lose distance and pace. For the next 1/2 mile or so it was registering my pace as 55:00. I knew there was no possible way it was accurate! I kept on moving while calculating how much time I had to make it to mile 10 to stay on track for my "secondary goal". As I was approaching the 10 mile mark I really needed to pee so I make a quick pit stop and hit mile 10 at 1:24. No longer on "secondary goal" pace but still definitely on "PR goal pace". This is when I decided to take my Vanilla Carb Boom. It was awful! It was the consistency of frosting. I only took about a 1/3 of it and tossed it in the trash. At this point there was a group passing out m &m's. In hindsight I think I should have taken a handful but I just opted for my smart water in my handheld. Around mile 11 the 3:40 pace group took me by storm. I ran with them until the marathon/half marathon split. With about 1/2 mile to go, there was a strong headwind. I put my head down and pushed through it. I could see the finish line clock and knew my PR was in the bag and gave it the last little bit I had and crossed the line in 1:51:18!! A 3 minute PR!! I was elated and completely fine with missing my "secondary goal" since I had just crushed my best time! I grabbed my medal, got a quick picture taken, and headed to the gear check to claim my things. I was so glad to have pants and a jacket to put on after the race. I thanked the gear check volunteers and headed back to the finish line to watch the other ladies finish. I short while later my phone rang and it was Nikki. She had finished in 2:07 (her goal was 2:09) and she was trying to figure out where I was standing. Once she found me we waited for the other girls to finish. I was thrilled to get a picture of them approaching the finish line! Look at those girls...all smiles after just taking on 13.1!!!

Nikki and I told the girls we would stay exactly where we were so they could find us easily! Once we were all reunited, we had a group photo taken! Look at those smiling faces and awesome medals!

Don't we look fast?!?
Following our Expo visit we walked to Greektown where we would be having our carb loading dinner. We had pizza at Pizza Papalis. All I can say is YUM!!
Once we finished our fantastic dinner, we headed back to the hotel to get all of our race gear ready for our 5:00 AM alarms! We talked for a short while and then it was lights out! I woke up ten minutes before my alarm and just relaxed a bit and waited for the alarm to sound. Everyone got up and we all had some breakfast, got ready, and took a few pictures.

Once we finished our fantastic dinner, we headed back to the hotel to get all of our race gear ready for our 5:00 AM alarms! We talked for a short while and then it was lights out! I woke up ten minutes before my alarm and just relaxed a bit and waited for the alarm to sound. Everyone got up and we all had some breakfast, got ready, and took a few pictures.
At 6:15 AM we headed for the start line. I was checking gear for the first time today and it took us a long time to figure out where the gear check actually was. Once we found it I started to panic because the line was very long. My wonderful friends helped me stay calm. While waiting in line I had my cranberry grapefruit Carb Boom. It was actually very good. I was thrilled when I realized the line was moving very quickly. I put my pre-race long sleeve shirt in my bag and handed it to the awesome volunteers and we were on our way to the starting line. We were attempting to make it to Corral E which is where we were to start but it was 6:58 by this time so we climbed through the fence at Corral C just as the race was started. I was feeling great and smiling during the first mile. Afterall, that was the last piece of advice Joe gave me. I also made sure to "run loose". I settled right in with the 3:35 pacer and talked with a few other runners, most of them doing the full. As we approached the Ambassador Bridge I was thrilled that I had done hill repeat workouts. The bridge was definitely a climb. They only had 1/2 of the bridge closed and it was incredibly congested. I was pretty much forced to slow my pace during this section until we got to the end of the bridge. I didn't let it bother me. Afterall, I was still with the 3:35 pace so I figured I must be doing something right! I was thrilled when we were able to spread out again. I just kept plugging along keeping the 3:35 pace in sight! I knew going into the race if I wanted to reach my "secondary goal" of 1:50 I would need to be at 50:14 at mile 6. I got to mile 6 and my watch read 50:14 exactly! I continued to plug along thinking that my next goal was to be to the 10 mile mark at 1:23. Shortly after mile 7 we hit the tunnel back to the US. Somewhere in the tunnel, my Garmin completely lost satellite signal and I was running "pace blind" for the first time all day. I just kept going and thinking how much I really wanted to be out of the hot tunnel. I wanted circulated air and I wanted it now and that's when I exited the tunnel and saw the mile 8 sign! My Garmin never lost time but it did lose distance and pace. For the next 1/2 mile or so it was registering my pace as 55:00. I knew there was no possible way it was accurate! I kept on moving while calculating how much time I had to make it to mile 10 to stay on track for my "secondary goal". As I was approaching the 10 mile mark I really needed to pee so I make a quick pit stop and hit mile 10 at 1:24. No longer on "secondary goal" pace but still definitely on "PR goal pace". This is when I decided to take my Vanilla Carb Boom. It was awful! It was the consistency of frosting. I only took about a 1/3 of it and tossed it in the trash. At this point there was a group passing out m &m's. In hindsight I think I should have taken a handful but I just opted for my smart water in my handheld. Around mile 11 the 3:40 pace group took me by storm. I ran with them until the marathon/half marathon split. With about 1/2 mile to go, there was a strong headwind. I put my head down and pushed through it. I could see the finish line clock and knew my PR was in the bag and gave it the last little bit I had and crossed the line in 1:51:18!! A 3 minute PR!! I was elated and completely fine with missing my "secondary goal" since I had just crushed my best time! I grabbed my medal, got a quick picture taken, and headed to the gear check to claim my things. I was so glad to have pants and a jacket to put on after the race. I thanked the gear check volunteers and headed back to the finish line to watch the other ladies finish. I short while later my phone rang and it was Nikki. She had finished in 2:07 (her goal was 2:09) and she was trying to figure out where I was standing. Once she found me we waited for the other girls to finish. I was thrilled to get a picture of them approaching the finish line! Look at those girls...all smiles after just taking on 13.1!!!
Nikki and I told the girls we would stay exactly where we were so they could find us easily! Once we were all reunited, we had a group photo taken! Look at those smiling faces and awesome medals!
We were already talking about our next 1/2 marathon on the walk back to the hotel. We also discussed the fact that we needed to come up with a team name and get shirts made so we can cross off each state as we complete it in our 1/2 marathon in all 50 states quest.
Since Joe (here) was kind enough to create my training plan, I made sure to have his email address readily accessible so I could email him the results right away! I was thrilled to learn from his return email that he too had set an awesome PR in his 10K today. Head on over to his blog and read about it!
I need to take the time once again to thank Joe for being a great coach and giving me an outstanding training plan that got me to that finish line in a fantastic time!! Thanks Joe!!
I plan to enjoy this PR for awhile! Looking forward to my two hour massage Tuesday night! I do believe I have earned every minute of it!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Detroit 1/2 marathon,
finish lines,
Joe Marruchella,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Rockin' The Motor City
In just a few hours, we will be on our way to Michigan for the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon and my shot at a new PR! I have spent the past 8 weeks diligently following the training plan that Joe was kind enough to create for me. At this point, all there is left to do is show up and run! I will remember Joe's final piece of advice tomorrow during the 1/2. He pointed out that sometimes in a big "goal race" you can tend to take everything just a bit too serious and things tighten up. Your shoulders, your arms, your hands, everything clenches up and you run "tight". Just remember to smile over that first mile and stay loose.
Loose = Relaxed. Relaxed = Smooth. Smooth = Fast.
The weather report for tomorrow is looking promising. Forty-six degrees at the start with the sun expected to make an appearance about one hour into the race! So the plan is to run and have fun!
Goal #1: Break 1:54:14 (my current 1/2 PR)
Goal #2: Run 1:50:XX
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Loose = Relaxed. Relaxed = Smooth. Smooth = Fast.
The weather report for tomorrow is looking promising. Forty-six degrees at the start with the sun expected to make an appearance about one hour into the race! So the plan is to run and have fun!
Goal #1: Break 1:54:14 (my current 1/2 PR)
Goal #2: Run 1:50:XX
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thumbs Up Thursday......Zaneta
This week's spotlight is on Zaneta at Runner's Luck. Zaneta just recently ran her first half marathon! Head on over to her blog after you read all about her and say hello!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Zaneta: I've been running pretty much since I remember. I was very active growing up and running was always a part of any sport I participated in.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Zaneta: I started running because it was a part of conditioning for basketball... I kind of hated basketball conditioning lol. Then after my four years of college eligibility of basketball and softball were over i focused on classes only and got really out of shape so I decided to run again and signed up for my first 5k to keep me running!
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Zaneta: I just started racing in April of this year! (2010)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Zaneta: I love racing 5ks because it's only a short distance and you can push as hard as you can for 30 minutes, then forget about it! BUT! This past September I ran my first half marathon and instantly fell in love! :D It takes dedication and heart to run for 13.1 miles.... I can only imagine what a FULL marathon would be like! In the end you feel so accomplished!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Zaneta: Definitely my first half marathon in September! My parents and I made a mini vacation of the entire weekend in Nashville, Tennessee and the race was so emotional for me for many reasons! I'm so glad I got to share my first half marathon experience with my parents!

Zaneta's first 1/2 marathon
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Zaneta: Haha! I would say the Run for Independence 5k that I did. It started out terribly because I woke up late and got to the park to pick up my bib about 6 minutes before the gun went off! I felt sick the entire 3.1 miles and the newspaper captured a picture of me that would tell anybody that I was tired and nauseated! Needless to say after running across the finish line I kept running until I found a portapot!

Run for Independence 5K
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Zaneta: I would have to say that my proudest running moment to date is the festival 5k I ran right after I decided I wanted to get faster. I had done some speedwork (if you want to call it that) on my own and was so excited when I beat my PR by almost 2 minutes! I immediately called my boyfriend and told him and he told me he was so proud of me... I was proud of myself! After that race I knew that I could do whatever I wanted to do with my running if I just put my mind to it!

Zaneta's family/support staff
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Zaneta: My ipod!! Seriously, I dont even remember over half the songs that play while I'm running and I'm not sure I really listen but something about having my Ipod with me helps me get through the tough ones!
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Zaneta: I love me some GU! Also I was introduced to eating oranges during a race at my first half marathon... surprisingly i liked it!
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Zaneta: Chocolate milk and a banana!!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Zaneta: I admire my grandma so much! She was my best friend growing up! She always had a smile on her face and was the kindest person I've ever met! Even though she had both legs amputated and both her hands crippled up by arthritis and eventually a mind that stopped working properly... she always was smiling and praying and she really left a legacy behind! I just wish she was still around to share my big milestones with!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Zaneta: I know that this may be strange cuz who doesn't have a favorite quote?! But seriously.. I dont really have a favorite! Although, I do love this verse! Isaiah 40:31 -
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ___________.
Zaneta: Renewed and elated!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Zaneta: Now that I ran my first half marathon, I have a goal of finishing a FULL marathon!! I have a race picked out for 2011 but haven't shared that yet! :D
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Zaneta: If you are someone who is scared to try something new and doesn't want to run because you're afraid of what others might think of you... "too slow/fast" "too big/too skinny" "too tall/short" ... Don't do it for other people! Get out and run for yourself and forget about what others might think! Being in shape makes you feel so much better! Not only physically, but mentally too! Since I've started running, a lot of my self doubt has faded away and the negative body image I had of myself... it's almost completely gone! YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!!! No matter what you may think! :D

Zaneta's favorite running picture
Thank you again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Zaneta. Best of luck in achieving your goal of running a full marathon! Please let us know which marathon you have picked out when you decide it is time to reveal your plan!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Zaneta YOU inspire ME!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Zaneta: I've been running pretty much since I remember. I was very active growing up and running was always a part of any sport I participated in.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Zaneta: I started running because it was a part of conditioning for basketball... I kind of hated basketball conditioning lol. Then after my four years of college eligibility of basketball and softball were over i focused on classes only and got really out of shape so I decided to run again and signed up for my first 5k to keep me running!
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Zaneta: I just started racing in April of this year! (2010)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Zaneta: I love racing 5ks because it's only a short distance and you can push as hard as you can for 30 minutes, then forget about it! BUT! This past September I ran my first half marathon and instantly fell in love! :D It takes dedication and heart to run for 13.1 miles.... I can only imagine what a FULL marathon would be like! In the end you feel so accomplished!
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Zaneta: Definitely my first half marathon in September! My parents and I made a mini vacation of the entire weekend in Nashville, Tennessee and the race was so emotional for me for many reasons! I'm so glad I got to share my first half marathon experience with my parents!
Zaneta's first 1/2 marathon
Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Zaneta: Haha! I would say the Run for Independence 5k that I did. It started out terribly because I woke up late and got to the park to pick up my bib about 6 minutes before the gun went off! I felt sick the entire 3.1 miles and the newspaper captured a picture of me that would tell anybody that I was tired and nauseated! Needless to say after running across the finish line I kept running until I found a portapot!

Run for Independence 5K
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Zaneta: I would have to say that my proudest running moment to date is the festival 5k I ran right after I decided I wanted to get faster. I had done some speedwork (if you want to call it that) on my own and was so excited when I beat my PR by almost 2 minutes! I immediately called my boyfriend and told him and he told me he was so proud of me... I was proud of myself! After that race I knew that I could do whatever I wanted to do with my running if I just put my mind to it!
Zaneta's family/support staff
Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Zaneta: My ipod!! Seriously, I dont even remember over half the songs that play while I'm running and I'm not sure I really listen but something about having my Ipod with me helps me get through the tough ones!
Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Zaneta: I love me some GU! Also I was introduced to eating oranges during a race at my first half marathon... surprisingly i liked it!
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Zaneta: Chocolate milk and a banana!!
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Zaneta: I admire my grandma so much! She was my best friend growing up! She always had a smile on her face and was the kindest person I've ever met! Even though she had both legs amputated and both her hands crippled up by arthritis and eventually a mind that stopped working properly... she always was smiling and praying and she really left a legacy behind! I just wish she was still around to share my big milestones with!
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Zaneta: I know that this may be strange cuz who doesn't have a favorite quote?! But seriously.. I dont really have a favorite! Although, I do love this verse! Isaiah 40:31 -
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ___________.
Zaneta: Renewed and elated!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Zaneta: Now that I ran my first half marathon, I have a goal of finishing a FULL marathon!! I have a race picked out for 2011 but haven't shared that yet! :D
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Zaneta: If you are someone who is scared to try something new and doesn't want to run because you're afraid of what others might think of you... "too slow/fast" "too big/too skinny" "too tall/short" ... Don't do it for other people! Get out and run for yourself and forget about what others might think! Being in shape makes you feel so much better! Not only physically, but mentally too! Since I've started running, a lot of my self doubt has faded away and the negative body image I had of myself... it's almost completely gone! YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!!! No matter what you may think! :D

Zaneta's favorite running picture
Thank you again for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Zaneta. Best of luck in achieving your goal of running a full marathon! Please let us know which marathon you have picked out when you decide it is time to reveal your plan!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Zaneta YOU inspire ME!!
half marathon,
thumbs up Thursday,
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's Taper Time...Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon here I come!!
Eight weeks ago, after running a 5K with my brother and blowing up after mile one, I emailed Joe (here) and asked him if he would be willing to develop me an eight week training program for the Detroit 1/2 Marathon.
The email went something like this:
So, here's the deal, I have been following Hal Higdon's intermediate half marathon schedule and I feel like I need to step it up. I thought what better place to go than to you..a running God of sorts.
I am pacing Jenn D (one of the gals on Daily Mile who also happens to be my friend from college) in a 1/2 Marathon on September 12th. That being said, I still feel like I can train hard over the next few weeks. What would you suggest? The 1/2 marathon I am running (where I would love to PR) is the Detroit Free Press on October 17th. My current 1/2 PR is 1:54.14 which I ran last October in Columbus.
I know you're really busy with Landry's impending arrival so I completely understand if you don't have time. Just thought I would ask the expert!! I mean I was seriously spent after my 7:23 first mile this morning...which was evident in my two mile split of 8:05.
Thanks so much Joe
I was thrilled to get an email back from Joe which stated:
Thanks so much for the message - your comment of ..... "a running God of sorts" definitely made my day .... you are very good for my ego in my fragile state!
I for sure would love to offer some advice as you get ready for the Detroit Free Press in October.
I took a look at Hal's Intermediate schedule, and then took a look at your PR and what kind of mile/split that represents in the half. You've also got some pretty long "long runs" and basically a full marathon under your belt recently - so I think I have a pretty clear picture of where you are, where you can be and how to best get there. I'll tell you this - with basically 8 weeks of training available, 7 where you can really push it before tapering for Detroit - you can absolutely get some great training in.
Attached to the above email was a very organized excel spreadsheet containing my eight week training plan. I took the training plan and ran (literally) with it! In the past seven weeks I have done a lot of awesome workouts including 7 tempo runs, 1 half marathon, 7 hill repeat workouts, 7 pace runs (2 of them in the form of 5K races in which I placed first in my age group at both and PR'd and was 3rd woman overall at one), and 7 long runs. There have been all kinds of factors to contend with over the past 7 weeks. Temperatures in the 90's for hill repeats, torrential rain for a 10 miler, and perfect weather for many other workouts! Over the past 7 weeks, I have gotten faster and have felt the new found strength in my legs during the hill repeats. I have been diligent about ice baths and listening to my body and slowing down when necessary to avoid injury!
Yesterday I ran my last long run of my eight week training plan. The weather was perfect and I rocked out 12 miles in 1:45:58 (8:49/mile pace). Immediately following my run I made sure to take an ice bath so my legs would feel good today! I am pleased to report that I am feeling great today! I gladly welcome the taper that is before me! I have 3 running workouts left this week and then I'm headed to Detroit!
The Detroit 1/2 promises to be a great course. We actually run out over the Ambassador Bridge into Canada and then back into Detroit to finish which I think is pretty awesome. I will be experiencing a first at Saturday's expo when I am required to present my passport in order to receive my race packet! First and foremost, I want to set a new PR on Sunday. In a perfect world, I would love to see 1:50:XX on the clock as I cross the finish line!
A special thank you to Joe for having my back and giving me a great training plan to get me to the starting line on Sunday!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
The email went something like this:
So, here's the deal, I have been following Hal Higdon's intermediate half marathon schedule and I feel like I need to step it up. I thought what better place to go than to you..a running God of sorts.
I am pacing Jenn D (one of the gals on Daily Mile who also happens to be my friend from college) in a 1/2 Marathon on September 12th. That being said, I still feel like I can train hard over the next few weeks. What would you suggest? The 1/2 marathon I am running (where I would love to PR) is the Detroit Free Press on October 17th. My current 1/2 PR is 1:54.14 which I ran last October in Columbus.
I know you're really busy with Landry's impending arrival so I completely understand if you don't have time. Just thought I would ask the expert!! I mean I was seriously spent after my 7:23 first mile this morning...which was evident in my two mile split of 8:05.
Thanks so much Joe
I was thrilled to get an email back from Joe which stated:
Thanks so much for the message - your comment of ..... "a running God of sorts" definitely made my day .... you are very good for my ego in my fragile state!
I for sure would love to offer some advice as you get ready for the Detroit Free Press in October.
I took a look at Hal's Intermediate schedule, and then took a look at your PR and what kind of mile/split that represents in the half. You've also got some pretty long "long runs" and basically a full marathon under your belt recently - so I think I have a pretty clear picture of where you are, where you can be and how to best get there. I'll tell you this - with basically 8 weeks of training available, 7 where you can really push it before tapering for Detroit - you can absolutely get some great training in.
Attached to the above email was a very organized excel spreadsheet containing my eight week training plan. I took the training plan and ran (literally) with it! In the past seven weeks I have done a lot of awesome workouts including 7 tempo runs, 1 half marathon, 7 hill repeat workouts, 7 pace runs (2 of them in the form of 5K races in which I placed first in my age group at both and PR'd and was 3rd woman overall at one), and 7 long runs. There have been all kinds of factors to contend with over the past 7 weeks. Temperatures in the 90's for hill repeats, torrential rain for a 10 miler, and perfect weather for many other workouts! Over the past 7 weeks, I have gotten faster and have felt the new found strength in my legs during the hill repeats. I have been diligent about ice baths and listening to my body and slowing down when necessary to avoid injury!
Yesterday I ran my last long run of my eight week training plan. The weather was perfect and I rocked out 12 miles in 1:45:58 (8:49/mile pace). Immediately following my run I made sure to take an ice bath so my legs would feel good today! I am pleased to report that I am feeling great today! I gladly welcome the taper that is before me! I have 3 running workouts left this week and then I'm headed to Detroit!
The Detroit 1/2 promises to be a great course. We actually run out over the Ambassador Bridge into Canada and then back into Detroit to finish which I think is pretty awesome. I will be experiencing a first at Saturday's expo when I am required to present my passport in order to receive my race packet! First and foremost, I want to set a new PR on Sunday. In a perfect world, I would love to see 1:50:XX on the clock as I cross the finish line!
A special thank you to Joe for having my back and giving me a great training plan to get me to the starting line on Sunday!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
Detroit 1/2 marathon,
Joe Marruchella,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thumbs Up Thursday...Morgan
This week's spotlight is on Morgan of Caution-Redhead Running. Make sure you stop over to her blog and say hello after you read all about her here!! Without further delay, I give you Thumbs Up Thursday!!
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Morgan: 2 1/2 years now.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Morgan: I always ran, never with a purpose or distance in mind, rather a bit on the zen side. I started picking it up in Mid-2008 to overcome a break-up and found a renewed sense of myself and joy in it. I ran my first 5k on 7/4/08 and never looked back.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Morgan: Basically the same amount of time; immediately after my first 5k I vowed to beat that time and racing was born. :)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Morgan: 5k's HURT, 10k's are challenging and fun, Half's make me happy but the Marathon has my heart. You learn so much about yourself mentally and physically when you train. The entire journey from training start to race day is unbelievable and you learn that you CAN do anything you put your mind to.
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Morgan: I think it will always be when B.o.B jumped in around Mile 22 of the 2009 Chicago Marathon and ran with me.

Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Morgan: A few weeks after Chicago I tried to race a Half and due to weather and race disorganization I all but died out on the course. I spent the entire last 6 miles run/walking and dry heaving due to heat exhaustion. I've never wished for actual puking so much in my life! Definitely not fun but a lesson well learned; bring your own water to smaller races and don't try to race when a late start puts you under the angry Florida suns direct fury.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Morgan: Breaking 4 hours at the Gasparilla Marathon in February. I trained hard and ended up beating my sub-4 goal and finishing in 3:56. I was/am ecstatic.

Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Morgan: A wrist rocker, to wipe away the sweat on my face!

Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Morgan: I only ever use Powerbar Gels (GU, HammerGel, CLIF, etc.. are all too thick for my liking) but I do get excited for orange slices near the ends of bigger races.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Morgan: I always pack a Carrot Cake Cliff Bar in my after race bag for immediate consumption.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Morgan: I admire the back of the packers. While training last summer a friend in the running group would get out to run an hour before the rest of us and finish up almost an hour after. That to me takes far more heart, dedication, discipline and strength than the more obvious Kara Goucher's and Paula Radcliffe's of the running world. I do look up to those women, but there's something that needs to be said and recognized of the kind of determination it takes to run a 3 hour Half or a 5+ hour Marathon. I don't know if I have what it takes and I admire those of you that do.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Morgan: There are so many great ones to choose from so how about I give you my mantra instead; "Running is what you make of it, make it an Adventure!"
For anyone that's followed my blog for awhile you'll definitely see that is the trend. Since I've started running my entire life has turned into one crazy adventure!
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ____.
Morgan: free!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Morgan: To continue to make a comeback from the injury that derailed my Marathon #3 training cycle.
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Morgan: A few words of wisdom I can impart: When running isn't fun anymore it's time to take a step back, take off the Garmin and go out for a run just to run. Don't loose sight of the reason why you started running in the first place. If you're struggling in the midst of a race demand more cowbell from the spectators and cheer on your fellow runner's; they will always return the favor. BELIEVE in yourself! BELIEVE in the AWESOME that is YOU! (Something I think we all need to work on, myself included.)
Jodi: How long have you been running?
Morgan: 2 1/2 years now.
Jodi: Why did you start running?
Morgan: I always ran, never with a purpose or distance in mind, rather a bit on the zen side. I started picking it up in Mid-2008 to overcome a break-up and found a renewed sense of myself and joy in it. I ran my first 5k on 7/4/08 and never looked back.
Jodi: How many years have you been racing?
Morgan: Basically the same amount of time; immediately after my first 5k I vowed to beat that time and racing was born. :)
Jodi: What is your favorite distance to race and why?
Morgan: 5k's HURT, 10k's are challenging and fun, Half's make me happy but the Marathon has my heart. You learn so much about yourself mentally and physically when you train. The entire journey from training start to race day is unbelievable and you learn that you CAN do anything you put your mind to.
Jodi: What is your favorite race memory?
Morgan: I think it will always be when B.o.B jumped in around Mile 22 of the 2009 Chicago Marathon and ran with me.

Jodi: What is your least favorite race memory?
Morgan: A few weeks after Chicago I tried to race a Half and due to weather and race disorganization I all but died out on the course. I spent the entire last 6 miles run/walking and dry heaving due to heat exhaustion. I've never wished for actual puking so much in my life! Definitely not fun but a lesson well learned; bring your own water to smaller races and don't try to race when a late start puts you under the angry Florida suns direct fury.
Jodi: What is your proudest running moment to date?
Morgan: Breaking 4 hours at the Gasparilla Marathon in February. I trained hard and ended up beating my sub-4 goal and finishing in 3:56. I was/am ecstatic.

Jodi: What one item do you absolutely have to have with you on a training run?
Morgan: A wrist rocker, to wipe away the sweat on my face!

Jodi: What is your favorite fuel during a race?
Morgan: I only ever use Powerbar Gels (GU, HammerGel, CLIF, etc.. are all too thick for my liking) but I do get excited for orange slices near the ends of bigger races.
Jodi: What is your favorite post race snack?
Morgan: I always pack a Carrot Cake Cliff Bar in my after race bag for immediate consumption.
Jodi: Who do you admire most and why?
Morgan: I admire the back of the packers. While training last summer a friend in the running group would get out to run an hour before the rest of us and finish up almost an hour after. That to me takes far more heart, dedication, discipline and strength than the more obvious Kara Goucher's and Paula Radcliffe's of the running world. I do look up to those women, but there's something that needs to be said and recognized of the kind of determination it takes to run a 3 hour Half or a 5+ hour Marathon. I don't know if I have what it takes and I admire those of you that do.
Jodi: Do you have a favorite quote?
Morgan: There are so many great ones to choose from so how about I give you my mantra instead; "Running is what you make of it, make it an Adventure!"
For anyone that's followed my blog for awhile you'll definitely see that is the trend. Since I've started running my entire life has turned into one crazy adventure!
Jodi: Finish this statement, when I run I feel ____.
Morgan: free!
Jodi: What is your current goal?
Morgan: To continue to make a comeback from the injury that derailed my Marathon #3 training cycle.
Jodi: Please feel free to add anything else you feel will help others lace up their shoes and get out there and run!!
Morgan: A few words of wisdom I can impart: When running isn't fun anymore it's time to take a step back, take off the Garmin and go out for a run just to run. Don't loose sight of the reason why you started running in the first place. If you're struggling in the midst of a race demand more cowbell from the spectators and cheer on your fellow runner's; they will always return the favor. BELIEVE in yourself! BELIEVE in the AWESOME that is YOU! (Something I think we all need to work on, myself included.)
Thank you so much for the opportunity to give you a Thumbs Up Morgan! Best of luck with your comeback! I know you will be great!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Morgan YOU inspire ME!!
Redhead running,
thumbs up Thursday
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Ode to Swirl Cupcakes
Yesterday afternoon we went to Lake Erie to take some pictures for a Flat Stanley Project for Running Diva Mom's Little Diva! Once we finished the photo shoot we headed to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We passed on the Cheesecake as we had decided we wanted Swirl Cupcakes! I let Kaelynn pick the four flavors for us to try. She chose Red Velvet, Chocolate Whipped, Chocolate Fudge, and White Wedding. Don't they look delish??

Kaelynn was overly excited to try the cupcakes and she was first to dig right in! Her expressions were hilarious!!

Here she is realizing how much she doesn't like the Red Velvet.

She is realizing in the picture that she really likes the Chocolate Fudge!

Kaelynn was overly excited to try the cupcakes and she was first to dig right in! Her expressions were hilarious!!
Here she is realizing how much she doesn't like the Red Velvet.
She is realizing in the picture that she really likes the Chocolate Fudge!
She was completely thrilled with the Chocolate Fudge and asked if she could eat the rest of it. With permission granted she was in her glory. However, she wasn't able to finish it all so it is hanging out in the refrigerator for later!
Of course Kaelynn told me it was only fair that I have my picture taken while trying the cupcakes. White wedding was my favorite hands down! I wasn't able to finish my cupcake either so it went to the refrigerator with Kaelynn's for consumption at a later time!

Of course we couldn't leave out Grant. Unfortunately Grant is allergic to eggs so he was only able to try the frosting and he enjoyed all of the flavors!
Of course we couldn't leave out Grant. Unfortunately Grant is allergic to eggs so he was only able to try the frosting and he enjoyed all of the flavors!
Finally, we let daddy try the cupcakes. His favorite was Red Velvet. Funny thing is neither Kaelynn nor I liked Red Velvet at all!

So I am guessing you are wondering how this relates to running?! Well, after my 6 mile pace run this morning I refueled with the rest of the delicious White Wedding Cupcake and some peanut butter toast!
So I am guessing you are wondering how this relates to running?! Well, after my 6 mile pace run this morning I refueled with the rest of the delicious White Wedding Cupcake and some peanut butter toast!
I have run 884 miles so far this year. I wonder how many cupcakes I have burned?!?!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and you inspire me!!
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