The weekend started out with a stop at the local running store to pick up my race packet for the Girls with Sole (
here) Lula 5K that I would be running on Sunday. I ran into my friend Kim at packet pick up and we did a little shopping and I decided to buy a book written by Liz Ferro, the founder of Girls with Sole. After I paid for my copy of "Finish Line Feeling" (
here) I asked Liz to sign it for me. She did so and we all talked for a bit. After leaving the running store, I head to use a Dick's sporting goods gift card I had. I ended up running into Kim there as well! I bought a fun skirt and two tanks tops that I really like! Since I was scheduled to run 14 miles on Sunday I had to switch my workouts around so I could fit in the 5K and cheer on my dear friends Missi and Patty at their first 1/2 IronMan. I decided I would get my long run in early Saturday morning and just run the 5K with tired legs. Once I got home Friday evening I got everything ready for my morning run and then sat down and started reading "Finish Line Feeling". The book was so fantastic and I didn't want to put it down. After getting to page 100 or so I knew I needed to call it a night since my alarm would be going off early in the morning.
I had no problem getting up with my alarm for my run which was great. It was the perfect temperature outside and I was looking forward to my run. Since the marathon I am training for is a two loop course I had decided that I would run my 7 mile loop twice. The added bonus would be that I would go past my house if I needed more water, fuel, or a restroom break. Awesome! I start out on my run feeling great and as I approach mile two I am faced with this.
Life is full of detours |
Uh oh...the road is closed and the bridge is out. I won't be doing that 7 mile loop today. I stopped and took a picture, posted it to Facebook and started runinng an alternate route. All was going fantastic and I was really enjoying the run and exchanging hellos with the other early morning runners/bikers. I was making a point not to look at my watch and to run by feel and then it happened. I was 7.77 miles into my run and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I felt myself going down and I remember thinking I needed to fall to my left as the road was to my right and there was a chance of cars coming. My shoulder took the brunt of the fall after my shoe hit the railroad track just the wrong way. My elbow knee and hands followed suit. It took me a few minutes to realize what had happened and collect myself. Fortunately I wear a water belt so I was able to rinse of the scrapes a bit, assess the damage, and then decide what to do from there. I was thankful nothing was broken and that I hadn't hit my head. Just then a motorist did stop to see if I was okay. She asked me if I needed a ride and I told her I was going to try and run home and that I had my phone so I could call someone if need be. I thanked her for stopping, took a few pictures of the damage, posted it to Facebook, and continued on my way.
Elbow rash and yes, I did press stop on my Garmin. HA! |
Knee rash |
With just under 7 miles left to get home, I was initiallly concerned if I would be able to finish the run. I was pleasantly surprised that I felt good and aside from the breeze hitting my open sores on my hands, I wasn't in pain. In fact, I ran the second half of my run faster than the first and finished with a sub 8 final mile. I was quite happy to be safe at home in my driveway after that crazy two hours.
14 run and done! |
I did take the road less traveled...ouch! |
After getting home I grabbed a shower which was pretty painful with all of the open wounds on my banged up left side and then elevated and iced my ankle for most of the day as a precautionary measure as it was a little sore after the run. I also finished reading "Finish Line Feeling" Saturday. The book was amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone. It was incredibly inspiring and what Liz does for Girls with Sole is just amazing.
I was up early again on Sunday morning to head to the Lula 5K. I ran a mile warm-up with Kim and then we took a few pictures and headed to the start line.
Kim, me, and Bick |
My plan was to run at an uncomfortable pace and see what I could throw down post 14 mile run and road rash. I started out feeling great and talking with another runner. The final mile was uphill so my pace did slow a bit. I ended up running a 23:08 on sore and tired legs. Not bad at all. Of course there must have been some speedsters in the 35-39 age group as I placed 5th with that time. After the race I headed to Kim's to get cleaned up so we could head to Ravenna to support our friends in their first 1/2 IronMan. We threw our bikes in the back of my truck in case we needed to ride them on the 1/2 marathon course. As we were driving there, Bick realized that we had forgotten the signs she had made. We had gone too far to go back so after being sad for a few minutes we adjusted and stopped at Staples to get new supplies to make replacement signs. Bick and Kim made the signs while I drove us the rest of the way to the race site.
Pretty impressive for replacement signs! |
Once we got to the parking lot we realized we wouldn't be needing our bikes as the run course went through the parking lot we were in several times. We saw Patty going out for her second loop right as we got out of the truck. She was looking fantastic. We cheered on all of the runners and then we saw Missi coming in after her first loop. She was looking fantastic and wearing a smile. Lots more cheering and fun were had and then we got to see Missi and Patty finish what they started. It was just amazing and I was truly in awe.
Kim, me, Patty, Missi, and Bick |
We had to get a photo of all of us and then we separated ways and headed home. Of course we were starving by this point so we stopped off and grabbed a late lunch before making it back home. Once I finally made it back to my house I realized that my face was really hot. Sure enough, my face is as red as a tomato today. Overcast skies and no sunscreen are a painful combination.
Although I have battle scars and sunburn to show for it, I wouldn't change this past weekend for the world. I am so glad that we could be there to see Missi and Patty finish their journey. Believe me though, I know these ladies well enough to know this isn't the end...they are just getting started!!
Keep running, you're simply the best, and Missi and Patty you inspire me!!